Do you ever wonder where the instruction manual is for being an adult? It sure seems like there should be one. Adulthood is full of transitions, relationships to navigate, and unexpected change that can lead us to feeling an overwhelming amount of uncertainty. All that uncertainty may lead us to feeling quite off balance. The good news is there is a way to improve your sense of confidence and resiliency in the face of life's uncertain moments.

Grit & Wellness was created to help people navigate life and all its challenges. My foundational perspective is that we need to develop a grounded sense of confidence in ourselves, absent clear visibility into our future. If we didn’t learn to develop this emotional resiliency growing up, and because there is no instruction manual to life, this elusive confidence can be fleeting. But with practice, we can develop that self-belief, self-assuredness, self-confidence, self-advocacy, or grit. And it’s the practice of resiliency that leads to a better life.

What I have found in my own past therapy and the thousands of hours counseling others is that there’s a symbiotic relationship between grit and wellness. I work with clients to unlock the balance between both concepts.

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About Grit & Wellness

Grit & Wellness is the clinical therapy practice of Blaine Atkisson, LPC. It was built from the ideas, practice and training of thousands of hours on both sides of the chair. Learn more information about Blaine and his credentials here.